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FRESH Spotlight: Angela Elliott in a creative sphere

I had the pleasure of talking to Brittany Reese last month over at FRESH DAILY Inc last month, and am so excited to share the article with you guys. FRESH DAILY Inc discovers, promotes & reveals raw talent in various forms, ranging from Artists to Entrepreneurs. We talk about everything from professionalism to tips on managing everything to achieving your goals. One of my favorite topics we touched was networking:

Don’t be that person who wants to friend someone just because they have a huge instagram following and they’re “online” famous. Friend someone because you genuinely want to get to know them. You genuinely care about them. If you foster relationships and nurture them for the right reasons, I promise you it will give back 1000x what you put in it.

Check out the article here and make sure you give Fresh Daily a follow for your daily dose of inspiration.