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My 1st Crossfit Competition - Crossfit Unyielding to Cancer

Last month, I entered my first Crossfit competition with my team, OxStrength. The competition was a charity event that raised funds for local families suffering from cancer. As cliche as it sounds, Crossfit/Fitness has changed my life in so many ways. It's made me stronger mentally as well as physically, Its made me appreciate patience, and that doing the work will reap the rewards if you're dedicated enough. In the balancing act of life, its hard to make time for self care, but its so critically important. I'll probably write more in the coming months about how I "make time for it all" but for now, here's some photos of some awesome people lifting weights :) 

WOD 1 

9 minute AMRAP - 1 Snatch (Full or Power) from the Ground. 1 Snatch (Full of Power) from the Hang. 1 Overhead Squat

MInutes 0-3: Max effort complexes between you and your partner - Rx: 95/65 Scaled: 65/35
Minutes 3-6: Max effort complexes between you and your partner - Rx: 115/85 Scaled: 85/55
Minutes 6-9: Max effort complexes between you and your partner - Rx: 135/95 Scaled: 95/65

WOD 2 & 3 

6 Minute AMRAP - Person A: 12 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20. Person B: Max Effort Clean and Jerks 135/95 for Rx, 95/65 for Scaled...
*as soon as partner A has finished their 12 Burpee Box Jumps, the two partners will switch
*your score will be the number of Clean and Jerks your team can accumulate in the 6 minutes. This will be your second scored event.

As soon as the 6 minute mark hits, you and your partner will sprint (50 yards) to your designated Wallball target. From there you and your partner will have until minute ten to get as many Wallballs (20/14 for Rx, 14/10 for Scaled) as possible. This will be your third scored event.


100 Double Unders. 400m sled sprint - Rx: 45/35 Scaled 35/25. 30 - 20 - 10 deadlifts Rx: 275/185 Scaled 225/135. 30-20-10 sandbag thrusters Rx: 63/45 Scaled 45/24

Photo Cred - @Gill_Berts, @LozPop3, My roommate (er husband) Thomas, and yours truly