
Y'all don't even know. This site has undergone so many wireframes, so many different ideas of what I wanted to do and what I wanted to showcase. Literally months of my life is in this website. And now I'm so excited to share with you my new site and the plans to come. 

Quite a bit has happened since I took my old site down and put up an under construction page. Well, for starters, I got married to the love of my life in June and we bought a house in February. So thats been keeping me quite busy lately. After we got married, I haven't seen my friends I feel like because every free moment has gone into this (sorry BFFs, I still love you). As far as business goes,  I had a serious life talk with myself about what I wanted to do and how I was going to get there. 

For those of you who have been following along, you know I've been doing the side hustle for quite some time. I started in 2007 doing freelance full time. In 2010, I took a full time position with a local startup in Atlanta, and in 2012 it was acquired by Verifone, a corporate company looking to build a media division. In the past 8 years I've done everything from designing, photography, marketing, tradeshow planning and design, PR, business visioning, project management, client services, sales process planning, fundraising, creative direction, and operations management. It took some trial and error to master but I've managed to have a healthy work life balance while working a pretty demanding full time job and having a successful side hustle business. I'm an employee and a business owner...and I still have a social life. A healthy work life balance is possible if you know what you want and how you're going to get it. 

Which ironically brings me back to my website....which in the past few years I had completely let go. I used to blog. I used to Tumblr, and Facebook, and Pinterest. But I got so busy doing client work that I stopped doing my own work for my brand (something most of us creatives are guilty of doing). Then one day I looked at my portfolio on my site, my brand, my blog...and I HATED IT. It was outdated and not me anymore. But I had to figure out what had become. Was it just a portfolio site? Well if it was, it was seriously (seriously) outdated. Was it a blog of past projects and my life? I knew it but didn't want to admit that my blog no longer had my "voice." I blogged because I was "supposed" to be blogging. And I ended up losing "me" multiple posts ago. And a blog thats not updated frequently actually does more harm than good (more on that in a future post). If you didn't notice...there's no other blog posts besides this one yet. Its the first one. Because its the first post of a new era of my business, my life, my side hustle. The rest were sent away to the unknown world where bad content goes to die. 

So what can you expect from my site? Well for starters, yes there will be features on client work but there's going to be a lot more content focused on all that entails running a business. From best practices in productivity to giving your brand a voice to managing clients, this blog will be a source of awesome and helpful content for those looking for some advice in paving their way in the entrepreneur landscape. Obviously I'm speaking from a creative entrepreneur or solo-preneur background, but that doesn't mean you have to be in a "creative" field to relate.

If you're looking for design or photography work, there's now easy to fill out forms for whichever  service you are interested in on the respective photography and design pages. You'll also notice that I've started a retainer program for my design clients, which I'm also super excited about. Its for business owners who needs repeat design work every month but don't want to hire a full time designer quite yet. If this interests you, make sure to read more about it here

So if you're still with me after all that and you'd like to be updated when a new post or freebie download of content is available, make sure to sign up for my newsletter here.  I promise it will be  nothing but amazing stuff in your inbox. 

Thanks everyone for the support throughout the years. I'm super excited about this next phase of my business and couldn't have done it without your love, likes, comments, and shares. 
